
salvia divinorum سال ویا دیوانوریوم گیاه از تیره مریم گلی

Salvia divinorum is a soft-leaved green plant, native to Southern Mexico, which contains a powerful psychoactive chemical known as Salvinorin. S. divinorum has been used traditionally in Mexico for healing and divination and became available in the underground psychedelic culture around the world starting in the early 1990's. S. divinorum is also known as "la pastora" / "the shepherdess", "the leaves of the shepherdess", "diviner's mint" or "diviner's sage", and in context simply as "Salvia". There are many species and varieties within the genus 'Salvia' and plants commonly found in garden stores are almost certainly not S. divinorum unless specifically labeled as such.

Strong effects can be difficult to attain from smoking dried leaf, but extracts and potency-bred leaves can cause dramatic, sometimes frightening, and completely enfolding entheogenic mind-states. Many people who try S. divinorum do not find the effects at all pleasant and choose not to repeat the experience. Salvia divinorum is traditionally used by chewing pairs of leaves. Modern use includes both smoking and chewing the leaves. When the leaves are chewed, the quid and bitter juice are held in the mouth to increase absorption.
Dose Many people find it difficult to achieve full effects by smoking dried Salvia divinorum leaves. Those who are successful generally require multiple large hits off a pipe or bong. Typical smoked doses with plain leaf are between 0.2 to 0.5 gram, about one large, dried leaf. For sublingual consumption, a typical dosage range is 10-50 grams of fresh (wet) leaf, approximately equal to 6 to 30 leaves, or 2-10 grams of dried leaf, usually reconstituted before consumption.
Addiction Potential 
Salvia divinorum is not known to be either physically addicting or likely to cause psychological dependence. Withdrawal effects following discontinuation have not been reported. As with most substances, some people will use it more frequently than they are comfortable with. There appears to be no tolerance with Salvinorin-A, so an experience can be extended or amplified by smoking more.
Well, I've decided this would be a good place for some thoughts on drug use. After all this is a site about opinions. A drug that has recently been in the news is salvia divinorum. Now by "drug" I mean a substance that when consumed has a physical and mental effects. Salvia divinorum is a plant that grows in cloud forests of southern Mexico. It has been used for quite some time by mystics of the area to connect with what they perceived to be the spiritual world. It is a heavily psychedelic plant. A user will often have an out of body experience. They will feel no connection to a body, and will find themselves in an entirely psychedelic realm. In this realm revelations about one's self and the universe are revealed to the user. This plant is in the news because a video of Miley Cyrus using it at a party were released. Before this video the plant made it into the news because people were using the substance and taking videos of it. These people would often try to perform activities while under the influence of salvia. This is giving salvia a bad name, because one effect of the plant is a complete loss of motor skills. This is a part of the out of body experience. The effects last for approximately five to ten minutes max. This plant should not be feared, but it should not be mistaken for a recreational drug. The main reason this drug should not be used as a purely recreational drug is that it is not euphoric. Most drugs create at least some feeling of happiness in the user. Salvia does not. This causes it to be a very intense experience. This is why the shaman used it to connect with the "spirit world" and "god." Miley Cyrus says in the video "I think I'm having kind of a bad trip." Well that is because this drug doesn't create any feelings of happiness. To illustrate this point I will describe my very first salvia divinorum experience. I took two hits and then the onset was sudden. I found myself no longer connected to my body, I was not aware of it. Above me there was a plain of light. Below this plane there was darkness. I felt myself being pulled towards this darkness. I strongly resisted, because I left I needed to stay by this light and not fall into the darkness or I would no longer exist. Along the border between the dark and light there was a rotating border. It was quite loud. I stayed there, struggling not to fall, for approximately eight minutes. I soon felt a connection to my body, and I could see the other two people in the room when I leaned forward. When I leaned back in the couch, I could see where I had come from and still left like I was being pulled backward, so I stayed with my body observing this place. Eventually I was fully back in the room. While I was there I had forgotten about the fact that I had taken salvia. I felt this was the reality. This is why this is not a party drug. It was a very intense experience with no feeling of euphoria. This experience has been quite useful to me though. I often find myself reflecting on that first trip, and wishing I had allowed myself to fall. I should have let go and experienced what could have been experienced (the concrete lessons I will keep to myself, those are quite personal and you will find in many psychedelic studies volunteers are quite reluctant to give up their personal revelations). This plant should never be consumed at a party. It is what is referred to as a "vision quest herb." This plant is legal in most states, but there has been a push to ban its use. Why? Because of people like Miley Cyrus are giving it a bad name. But thats not the only reason. People today an innate fear of psychedelic drugs. I'm sure my description of my experience with salvia invoked a few people to think "well that shouldn't be legal!" This fear of psychedelics is something that comes from a lack of experience with psychedelics. Today psychedelics are not nearly as common as they once were, and propaganda has become widespread. Psychedelic drugs are not something we discuss often in our culture. There is a push to make salvia illegal. This is an infringement on the right's of every individual in this country. Salvia divinorum is quite useful for those of us who enjoy the occasional foray into the psychedelic. Don't judge salvia by these morons who use one of the most "spiritual" drugs on earth for a party drug.
سال ویا   دیوانوریومsalvia divinorum
سال ویا که درایران به ان سالویا نیز گفته می شود یگ گیاه مخدر از دسته مواد مخدر توهم زا است .این گیاه از تیره مریم کلی است .
زادگاه بومی آن کشور مکزیک است .
این ماده که از زمان آزتک ها در بین سرخئوپوستان استفاده می شده است یکی از مواد توهم زای بسیاز قوی است .
این گیاه در نواحی کوهستانی و بارانی رشد می نماید .
شمن (جادوگران)سرخئوپوست آنرا در مراسم های مذهبی خود استفاده می کردند .
سالویا امروز در بین جوانان امریکایی طرفداران زیادی دارد .
جین باست جانسون اولین کسی بود که در سال
1939 در ضمن پژوهش درباره شمن ها به این ماده اشاره کرد .
این ماده ایجاد توهم شدید می کند که می توان انرا با توهم ال اس دی برابردانست .در بقیه گروه سالویا نیز می توان موادمخدر توهم زا را به مقدار کمتر از نوع دیوانوریوم یافت
پراکنش و نیازهای اکولوژیکی
مریم گلی بومی مناطق شمال مدیترانه است و این گیاه بومی کشورمان نیست ولی بخاطر اهمیت دارویی اش در کشورمان کشت و کار می شود. مریم گلی گیاهی است که به گرما و هوای خشک برای رشد مطلوب نیاز دارد.

کاشت، داشت و برداشت
تکثیر این گیاه بوسیله ی بذر یا از طریق تقسیم بوته امکان پذیر است و برای این کار معمولا در روش کشت مستقیم بذور را در اواخر آبان ماه در ردیف هایی با فاصله ی 50 سانتی متر و با فاصله ی 50 سانتی متر از هم کشت می نمایند. کشت غیر مستقیم بذور در اوایل بهار با استفاده از خزانه هوای آزاد صورت می گیرد. نشاهای حاصل را در اوایل پائیز به زمین اصلی منتقل می نماییم. تکثیر این گیاه از طریق تقسیم بوته در مورد گیاهان 3 تا 4 ساله در فصل پائیز قابل انجام می باشد.

برداشت شامل چیدن برگ ها یا قطع پیکر رویشی گیاه است که از سال دوم به بعد می توان 2 تا 3 مرتبه این عمل را انجام داد.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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دکتر یزدان نیاز said...

جناب استاد باغ جادویی چند سوال
من خودم در شمال کشت سالویا را در زمین های معمولی نددیم اکثرا انرا در گلدان پرورش می دهند در مقاله ای کسی مدعی بود تمام شمال دارند سالویا می کارند ایا این حرف به نظر شما درست است
نوعی صمغ است که از بامبو می گیرند به نام
که خواص درمانی زیادی دارد ایا شما در ایران با این صمغ اشنایی دارید

Unknown said...

دوست گرامی من از کجا میتونم این گیاه رو تهیه کنم ؟

Unknown said...

دوست گرامی من از کجا میتونم این گیاه رو تهیه کنم ؟